Books read in 2022

■ Summerwater (Sarah Moss; 2020. Fiction.) LIB
■ Lost Everything (Brian Francis Slattery; 2012. Fiction.) RFS
■ Joseph Cornell: Secrets in a Box (Allison Baverstock; 2003. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Murder in the Cathedral (T.S. Eliot; 1935. Drama.) RFS
■ The Suicide of Claire Bishop (Carmiel Banasky; 2015. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Prince (Niccolò Machiavelli; 1532. (Trans. George Bull.) Non-fiction.) RFS
■ Macbeth (William Shakespeare; 1606. Drama.) RFS *
■ Late Migrations: A Memoir of Love and Loss (Margaret Renkl; 2019. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ Six Characters in Search of an Author (Luigi Pirandello (Trans. Edward Storer); 1921. Drama.) RFS
■ Pipeline (Dominique Morisseau; 2017. Drama.) LIB
■ Dante’s Divine Comedy (Seymour Chwast; 2010. Graphic fiction.) RFS

■ A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess; 1962. Fiction.) RFS
■ Purgatorio (Dante Alighieri; 1320. (Trans. Robin Kirkpatrick; 2008.) Poetry.) RFS
■ Anthem (Noah Hawley; 2022. Fiction.) ATY
■ Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics (bell hooks; 2000. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ Bury Your Dead (Louise Penny; 2010. Fiction.) LIB *
■ How the Light Gets In (Louise Penny; 2013. Fiction.) LIB *
■ A Beautiful Mystery (Louise Penny; 2012. Fiction.) LIB *
■ Maus, Vol. 1; A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History (Art Spiegelman; 1991. Graphic non-fiction.) RFS *
■ Twelve Caesars: Images of Power from the Ancient World to the Modern (Mary Beard; 2021. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ Joseph Cornell: Wanderlust (Sarah Lea and Lynda Roscoe Hartigan; 2015. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Childhood (Tove Ditlevsen; 1967/2021. Fiction.) RFS
■ Youth (Tove Ditlevsen; 1967/2021. Fiction.) RFS
■ The End We Start From (Megan Hunter; 2017. Fiction.) LIB
■ The School for Good Mothers (Jessamine Chan; 2022. Fiction.) ATY
■ Dependence (Tove Ditlevsen; 1971/2021. Fiction.) RFS
■ State of Terror (Louise Penny; 2021. Fiction.) RFS
Debt: The First 5,000 Years (David Graeber; 2011. Non-fiction.) RFS

■ Leonardo da Vinci (Walter Isaacson; 2017. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ The Emigrants (W.G. Sebald; 1992/1996. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Long Way Home (Louise Penny; 2015. Fiction.) LIB *
■ Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy; 1878. (Trans. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky.) Fiction.) RFS
■ Maniac: The Bath School Disaster and the Birth of the Modern Mass Killer (Harold Schechter; 2021. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ The Rings of Saturn (W.G. Sebald; 1995/1998. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Maltese Falcon (Dashiell Hammett; 1930. Fiction.) RFS
■ Austerlitz (W.G. Sebald; 2001. Fiction.) RFS
■ Speak, Silence: In Search of W.G. Sebald (Carole Angier; 2022. Non-fiction.) ATY
■ A Diary of the Plague Year (Elise Engler; 2021. Graphic non-fiction.) LIB

■ Anselm Kiefer: Works on Paper in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Nan Rosenthal; 1982. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Maus, Vol. 2; A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began (Art Spiegelman; 1991. Graphic non-fiction.) RFS *
■ Apology (Plato; 399 BC. (Trans. G.M.A. Grube; 2002.) Non-fiction.) RFS
■ Transcendent Kingdom (Yaa Gyasi; 2020. Fiction.) RFS
■ Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation (Silvia Federici; 2004. Non-fiction.) ATY
■ Paradiso (Dante Alighieri; 1320. (Trans. Robin Kirkpatrick; 2008.) Poetry.) RFS
■ Moby-Dick; or, The Whale (Herman Melville; 1851. Fiction.) RFS *
■ The Anomaly (Hervé Le Tellier; 2021. Fiction.) ATY
■ The Complete Guide to No-Dig Gardening (Charlie Nardozzi; 2020. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes (Neil Gaiman; 1989. Graphic fiction.) LIB
■ King Lear (William Shakespeare; 1606. Drama.) RFS *
■ The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco; 1980. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Key to The Name of the Rose (Adele J. Haft, et al.; 1987/1999. Non-Fiction.) RFS
■ Morning in the Burned House (Margaret Atwood; 1996. Poetry.) RFS
■ When We Cease to Understand the World (Benjamín Labatut. 2021. Fiction.) RFS

■ The Many Deaths of Laila Starr (Ram V; 2022. Graphic non-fiction.) LIB
■ Feminism for the 99% (Cinzia Arruzza, et al.; 2019. Non-Fiction.) ATY
The Sun Also Rises (Ernest Hemingway. 1926. Fiction.) RFS
■ Sentence: Ten Years and a Thousand Books in Prison  (Daniel Genis; 2022. Non-Fiction.) ATY
■ History of Wolves (Emily Fridlund; 2017. Fiction.) RFS
■ Hamlet (William Shakespeare; 1601. Drama.) RFS *
■ Dante (R.W.B. Lewis; 2001. Non-Fiction.) RFS
■ Primordial (Jeff Lemire; 2024. Graphic fiction.) OTH

■ A Canticle for Leibowitz (Walter M. Miller; 1959. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway; 1952. Fiction.) RFS *
■ The Essex Serpent (Sarah Perry; 2016. Fiction.) RFS
■ Cézanne (Nathaniel Harris; 2003. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Capital Realism (Mark Fisher; 2009. Non-fiction.) ATY
■ Notes on an Execution (Danya Kukafka; 2022. Fiction.) ATY
■ The Sign of Four (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1890. Fiction.) RFS
■ Things to Look Forward To (Sophie Blackall; 2022. Graphic non-fiction.) LIB
■ Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (Sabina Radeva; 2019. Graphic non-fiction.) LIB

■ The Tree of Life (Peter Sís; 2003. Graphic non-fiction.) LIB
■ Bone Orchard Mythos: The Passageway (Jeff Lemire; 2022. Graphic fiction.) LIB
■ The Oxford Murders (Guillermo Martínez; 2003. Fiction.) ATY
■ Mazebook (Jeff Lemire; 2022. Graphic fiction.) OTH
■ The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka; 1915. (Trans. Ian Johnston.) Fiction.) ATY
■ Darwin: Portrait of a Genius (Paul Johnson; 2012. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Jean-Dominique Bauby; 1997. Non-fiction.) RFS *
■ A Moveable Feast (Ernest Hemingway; 1964. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ The Suppliants (Aeschylus; 460 BC. Drama.) OTH
■ The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka; 1915. (Trans. Susan Bernofsky.) Fiction.) ATY
■ Race at the Top: Asian Americans and Whites in Pursuit of the American Dream in Suburban Schools (Natasha Warikoo; 2022. Non-fiction.) LIB
A Farewell to Arms (Ernest Hemingway. 1929. Fiction.) RFS
Europe Central (William T. Vollmann. 2005. Fiction.) ATY

■ Desperate Characters (Paula Fox; 1970. Fiction.) RFS
Cane (Jean Toomer. 1923. Fiction.) ATY
A Mapmaker’s Dream (James Cowan. 1996. Fiction.) ATY
A Lost Lady (Willa Cather. 1923. Fiction.) RFS
Upgrade (Blake Crouch. 2022. Fiction.) ATY
The Practical Guide to Guns and Shooting, Handgun Edition (Tom McHale. 2017. Non-fiction.) ATY
The Waste Land (Norton Critical Edition) (T.S. Eliot. 1922. Poetry.) ATY
On the Origin of Species (Charles Darwin. 1859. Non-fiction.) ATY
The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath. 1963. Fiction.) RFS *
Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species: A Graphic Adaptation (Michael Keller. 2009. Graphic non-fiction.) RFS
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway. 1940. Fiction.) ATY
The Pearl (John Steinbeck. 1947. Fiction.) RFS *
Hangsaman (Shirley Jackson. 1951. Fiction.) RFS

■ I’m Glad My Mom Died (Jennette McCurdy; 2022. Non-fiction.) LIB
Genesis (Bernard Beckett. 2006. Fiction.) RFS
Infinite Jest (David Foster Wallace. 1996. Fiction.) RFS
Cyclorama (Adam Langer. 2022. Fiction.) ATY
The Art of Living (Epictetus. (Interpreted by Sharon Lebell. 1994.) Non-fiction.) RFS
Acting Class (Nick Drnaso. 2022. Graphic fiction.) LIB
A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole. 1981. Fiction.) RFS
Nausea (Jean Paul Sarte. 1938. Fiction.) ATY
■ A Queer History of the United States (Michael Bronski; 2011. Non-fiction.) ATY
■ The Last White Man (Mohsin Hamid; 2022. Fiction.) LIB
East of Eden (John Steinbeck. 1952. Fiction.) RFS

■ Zeno’s Conscience (Italo Svevo; 1923. Fiction.) ATY
■ 1919 (Eve L. Ewing; 2019. Poetry.) ATY
■ Slenderman: Online Obsession, Mental Illness, and the Violent Crime of Two Midwestern Girls (Kathleen Hale; 2022. Non-fiction.) ATY
■ Saga, Vol. 10 (Brian Vaughan; 2022. Graphic fiction.) OTH
■ Fleishman Is in Trouble (Taffy Brodesser-Akner; 2019. Fiction.) RFS
■ Five Little Pigs (Agatha Christie; 1942. Fiction.) RFS
■ Fathers and Sons (Ivan Turgenev (Trans. Constance Garnett); 1862. Fiction.) RFS

■ W-3: A Memoir (Bette Howland; 1974. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ The Netanyahus (Joshua Cohen; 2021. Fiction.) RFS
■ A Good Man Is Hard to Find (Flannery O’Connor; 1953. Fiction.) RFS
■ Everything That Rises Must Converge (Flannery O’Connor; 1965. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1892. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1893. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Return of Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1905. Fiction.) RFS
■ His Last Bow (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1917. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Valley of Fear (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1914. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; 1901. Fiction.) RFS
■ Living with a Dead Language (Ann Patty; 2016. Non-fiction.) RFS

■ Tell Me Everything (Erika Krouse; 2022. Non-fiction.) ATY 
■ Specimen Days (Michael Cunningham; 2005. Fiction.) ATY
■ Mothercare: On Obligation, Love, Death, and Ambivalence (Lynne Tillman; 2022. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Villette (Charlotte Brontë; 1853. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Cherry Orchard (Anton Chekhov; 1903. Drama.) RFS
■ Invisible Wounds (Jess Ruliffson; 2022. Graphic non-fiction.) LIB
■ The Employees (Olga Ravn; 2020/2022. Fiction.) ATY
■ Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov; 1955. Fiction.) RFS
■ The Bible: Authorized King James Version with Apocrypha  (Oxford Work Classics.) RFS
■ Foster (Claire Keegan; 2022. Fiction.) LIB
■ Sandy Hook: An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth (Elizabeth Williamson; 2022. Non-fiction.) RFS
■ Foreverland: On the Divine Tedium of Marriage (Heather Havrilesky; 2022. Non-fiction.) LIB
■ Strega (Johanne Lykke Holm; 2022. Fiction.) ATY
■ Lost Connections: Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope (Johann Hari; 2018. Non-fiction.) ATY

ATY Acquired this year
LIB Borrowed from library (including Hoopla and Overdrive)
OTH Other
RFS Read from shelves

* Denotes a reread